
Showing posts from May, 2020

Video games 1:Introduction and research

The video game industry is specialised meaning that it is competely different to any other industry like for example the film industry.The film industry is reliant still on producers and distributors and that is unlike anyother industry. The very fist video gme is considered to be Space war which was made in 1962. There is earlier games such as the Nimrod systems game called Drafts. This game was created in 1952. The only people who could play these games were coders and computer techs who worked on building said games as home software was practically non existent at the time. The first at home game was called pong and it started out in arcades but then became available from tech stores in the US in 1974. Pong is really simple, it is just ing pong but computerised so the first home system was actually sport based instead of violence based. Arcade games such as space invaders were the real deal and they had many innovative factors such as lives and scoring system. People would play