
Showing posts from April, 2021

Music video revision

How is black identity encoded in the music video FORMATION by BEYONCE Representation is the repeated way a group or community is shown in the media  Representation is the way the producer constructs the world and aspects in it, including social groups, individuals, issues and events. Who is being represented  how are they represented  What is the impact  target audience First look notes: The video opens with Beyonce on top of a half submerged car in a flooded background this is reference to hurricane Katrina and the lack of support black communities where given intel relief aid to help rebuild communities shops and houses  The police car being sat on is a part of a political statement about how she now has the power and is on top  The anchorage of the non diegetic voice over saying "what happened in New Orleans"  Fast pace shots of flooded community  BEAT lgbtq dance community documentary clips used Pastor mid shot low angle how he is raised up referencing religion and inclus

Unseen analysis Joker

Explore how media language is used to create meaning in the Joker teaser film poster. Media language- lighting costume and everything that has made the poster what is is  Meaning- what do these elements want to say  Tease- Drawing the audience in and giving the audience a look at the film imagery early Film poster- conventions and what you are expecting to see as an audience KNEE JERK REACTION my initial thoughts are that the poster is gritty and aesthetically worn and discoloured to suggest a made up crisis and a struggle but in an ominous way  Mis en scene of the blood on his chin is conventional of horror genre violent imagery enigma/ hermeneutic codes- withholding the story and leaving the audience guessing (teaser) Lots of light but also high shadows that connote how the character in the main image is the main focus of the film because he is in the spotlight  The dark background settling into the light green cloud is symbolic of nuclear fall out  PLAN  -point     -evidence