
Showing posts from December, 2019
The Times newspaper is a British national ‘quality’ newspaper first published in 1785. The Times has been published by Times Newspapers since 1981, a subsidiary of News UK, wholly owned by News Corp, Rupert Murdoch’s company. This edition was published on March 13th, 2019, after Theresa May had encountered another Commons defeat over her Brexit proposals.  The Times is famous for having a range of journalists with varied political viewpoints which allows the newspaper to offer a more neutral political stance on Brexit negotiations Point of view and ideology  Layout and design  Composition – positioning of headlines, images, columns, combination of stories Images/photographs - camera shot type, angle, focus Font size, type of font (e.g. serif/sans serif) Mise-en-scène  – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up Graphics, logos  Lexis Copy  Anchorage (images) Anchorage (captions) Narrative Target audience and audience positioning P

Blue story brawl

Blue story brawl analysis This story has been narritivised In media they jump to conclusions The BBC aren't supposed to be biased however they are... The BBC are trustworthy by reputation Incitement to racial hatred act: by spreading racism you are inciting racial hatred. The BBC have no comments section so that the audience cannot talk about the articals This is a key word comment and is called dog whistle racism The guy at the top is a troll because he clearly comments on the BBC's posts a lot and feels like he needs to always put his own opinions on them.

Blue story brawl

Low production value, grimey ,grainy and thuggish. Machete, tree hacking, Beheading and violence National newspaper showed this picture to emphasize that they are thug kids and that this is almost on a cctv camera Group of teen thugs, pixelated so they are under 18's German shepherd- trained and can be seen as violent , they were used by the nazi's too. The setting is just a dull plain street showing that crime Binary opposition- fancy man versus a scummy cinema complex The young black rapper looks like a mastermind and like he wants the crime to happen the image looks a bit like a mugshot bias by image selection

Case study breakdown bb

CULTURAL HEGEMONY- the idea that certain cultures have more power than others. Liesbet van zoonen- men act women appear, women are in media to be looked at in an attractive way. Gender is structured through messages and gender changes through context. women's bodies are put in media products to be looked at and admired in a stereotypical western patriarchal society. 'Women are a spectacle' bell hooks- feminism is for everyone, Lexis/choice of language Anchorage through captions Bias through selection of image Newsworthiness Target audience Preferred reading Dominant ideological perspective Hegemony The use of the word 'mum' brings up images for the audience of someone who is caring and nice and who loves unconditionally but this image contradicts those as she looks rough and in this image she is holding a pack of cigarettes instead of her children. She is looking scruffy and is wearing black which connotes how she is goi