
Showing posts from January, 2021

Les revenants exam question

What are the genre conventions do les revenants, how do they work and how have they developed?   Genre is the style of media product that has repeated conventions used by similar products, so for example in les revenants there is denotations of the horror genre because of the use of low light and high shadowing. Genre is seen in les revenants through the use of mis en scene and repeated conventions of the horror and thriller genre with a sub-genre of a zombie series with the translation of the title being “the returned”. The mis en scene such as the dark bridge in which we can see Camille walking down in a high shadowed midshot, this is a convention that is used in the horror genre because it highlights the darkness of a scene and the isolation of the main character. The sound in this scene is very subtle because it is mainly of Camille’s breathing and this creates a sense of her being alive and healthy even if the audience moments earlier had seen her crash to her death. The Use