comparing the representation of women in woman and adbusters magazines

How have the representations in the magazines you have studied been shaped by socio historical and cultural circumstances?

water- purity
women objectified
sexy tap sexy woman
luxury as she has all the time to just bathe
poor as she is wrinkly
tattoos working class
tattoos not very "womanly"

breeze advert woman mid shot
her skin is shiny
no bath to get the whole woman in the shot
beauty in the bath - the bath not in shot
her hair and make up is done

A further way in which Adbusters has been shaped by contemporary socio historical contexts can be seen in the use of representation in the 'luxury water' double page spread as the woman in the double page advert can be seen herself as a luxury. The mis en scene of her naked body gives the audience a voyeuristic viewpoint to see her. the connotations of the water suggest she is pure and natural as her feminine body is somewhat covered as to make her seem stereotypically meak. Contrastingly the tattoos on the models upper left shoulder connote how she maybe more of a working class woman and this compared with the breeze advert is a more realistic view of what women look like in the bath. The mid shot and high angle image makes the model more objectified as she is like the tap in the zucchetti advert, just made a spectacle for how beautiful she is. The mis en scene of her wrinkly hands suggests how even as a luxury item, she should be kept pretty and clean, this is a stereotypical representation of women as it connotes how women need to be taken care of by someone who is stronger than they are. Luxury often refers to objects and desirable possessions but in this double page spread it can be suggested that normal everyday bathing is something luxury like the article about the lack of water in Brazil.


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