
Showing posts from February, 2021

Influencer analysis

 The influencer I will look at is Genevieve padelecki who is an actress and influencer based in Austin Texas. Select an influencer - this may be someone you already follow or a notable one that you are aware of. Complete a textual analysis of their instagram page considering; • How do they ensure audience engagement?  Gen is still a actress so she is able to be part of other instagram stories and she put polls/questions on her story to engage her audience. She is currently playing Emily walker on the tv series walker so she is able to market herself on the Walker instagram also. She engages the audience by running many live talks from other celebrities or influencers on her instagram profile, this means that the fans o f the other influencers are also bought to her Instagram meaning she reaches a new kin of audience.  • How do they ensure financial gain? Gen doesn’t need to really profit from the Instagram account but she does get money from promoting brands and products she us

Radio: pluralism and diversity

 The podcast I will listen to is Stacy Dooley revisited where she looks back at the documentaries she has made with topics such as open adoption.  The average podcast length is around 45 minutes or less with special guests that were on her documentaries when they were made.    The audience for this show is the fans of the BBC documentaries that Stacey has done already because this podcast offers a behind the scenes feel to the show and along with more content of what happened to the people involved in the story to begin with.  The target audience more specifically is younger adults and adults because there are mature themes such as topics of a disturbing or sexual nature therefore it isn’t accessible to those under 15.  On the BBC i player app the series this podcast is based on is under the documentaries section and can only be watched o the pp because it is run by BBC three and they don’t have a live television channel anymore and have moved all online. This show attracts its target

Radio- introduction

The Radio component is based purely on industry and audience. Late night woman's hour: Modern themes Late night meaning that it isn't like safe for work hours 11-12 pm Loren Laverne Younger hosts and female panelists Patriarchy- men are in power and they kind of make the rules but this radio show is aimed at just women They have different topics every week  Questions and first listen Who is the target audience for this programme?(age, gender, socio-economic status etc.) The target audience is older than my demographic so its kind of for young adults aged round 20-40 year olds with specialised talks aimed at niche groups also. Women is obviously the idea listener but there is no way anyone would stop a man listening to it. Educated women are the quests and everyday women are the listeners and these days most women have had higher education such as university. How does it reach this target audience? (Consider guests, themes etc.) I think it reaches its target audience through not