Influencer analysis

 The influencer I will look at is Genevieve padelecki who is an actress and influencer based in Austin Texas.

Select an influencer - this may be someone you already follow or a notable one that you are aware of. Complete a textual analysis of their instagram page considering;

How do they ensure audience engagement? 

Gen is still a actress so she is able to be part of other instagram stories and she put polls/questions on her story to engage her audience. She is currently playing Emily walker on the tv series walker so she is able to market herself on the Walker instagram also. She engages the audience by running many live talks from other celebrities or influencers on her instagram profile, this means that the fans o f the other influencers are also bought to her Instagram meaning she reaches a new kin of audience. 

How do they ensure financial gain?

Gen doesn’t need to really profit from the Instagram account but she does get money from promoting brands and products she uses or partners it’s, for example she partnered with an eco friendly shoe company that makes vegan shops out of organic materials. These shoes were to expensive o for o someone like me who can’t really spend 100’s on shoes but they looked comfortable.

She also profits from her promotions of her shows and acting jobs, her husband also profits form her profile because he too has launched a sort of business based around health and enlightens called mantra where they sell herbal teas and sport supplies.

How do they use lexis and language to attract audiences? 

She uses lexis that can be understood by anyone and because she is a area, she also can talk about mum specific products and language that relates to that kind of audience. 

On her instagram story she uses the same font and colour types to symbolise her kind of brand, with colours like peach and oranges and wildlife based colours such as greens and light colours. 

How do they display convergence? (links to other media/products)

Her instagram has so many links to the projects she is involved in such as her charity that focuses on environmental change and healthy living, her husbands company that focuses on healthy living and wellbeing and she has  links to her other accounts.

She has posts that are about jobs that she worked on or shows she was part of and this can engage fans from all kinds of places. She is a mum blogger to so thee are pictures of her family and what they do no this can be links to products that her kids love as well as her and what they like as a family.

How do they develop audience habits (encouraging the audience to come back)

Every week there is a new book club book that the audience can hear about from gen and even the author in most weeks, they have a live chat where the audience can ask questions to the panel or they can just comment live.

There is daily posts on her story about what she I has done that day or about a topic the audience has talked abuout so she can post polls that the audience an interact with.

The posts themselves (costume, make-up, lighting, framing, representation..)


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