25.9.19 Coke and Dolce

A brand leader is a brand that is the biggest in its category.

  • This advert is really heavy on the colour red as red connotes love and power. 
  • There is 3 main colours which appeals to the rule of three theory, these colours are red ,white and black.
  • The models are young and of different ethnicity which is because this is the age where they have disposable income and they are all of different ethnicity because then the product is for everyone
  • There is a direct mode of address
  • Her jacket is very revealing which is very seductive
  • she is in a major city and this has connotations of being chaotic and trendy
  • she is just in the middle of the street in the rain and she is drinking a coke that wouldn't be very smart in the real world
  • she has scruffy hair as-well so she is seen as free                              
Claude levi-Strauss (structuralist)
structuralism is about how things like language and society are structured
Binary opposition- two concepts, messages or values are presented in direct opposite with one another 
-Levi suggested our perception of the world is based on binary oppositions.
All narrative is conflict
A character archetype is a type of character E.g Penny in the big bang theory as the dumb blond. If penny wasn't in it then Sheldon wouldn't look as smart and the audience wouldn't maybe watch it.
Binary opposition emphasises each thing and in a show it makes things more interesting for the audience. It makes a sitcom easier to write as once you get one character you immediately get another one.
  • Will is wearing neon clothes and he is going into a plain white house.
  • He is smaller then the bullies as well as being weaker in comparison to their strength.
  • Mother and son scene
  • He is in a fancy aeroplane but he is from the hood.
  • the graffiti walls of west Philadelphia compared to the clean walls of bel air
  • Fancy throne near graffiti wall
  • Will is a loud and confident young man where as Jeffrey is a simple and stuffy older man

  • These lads look free and young 
  • They look calm and like they are having fun with their friends
  • they are comfortable in themselves as they have a very open stance
  • the look like they are on a rich boy holiday
  • the man in the mis en scene that is not with the lads is uncomfortable and he contrasts the boys as he isn't young and free
  • the camera shot is a dutch tilt to make it 
  • high end clothes in a run down background
  • this is heavily photoshopped
  • young and old


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