30.9.19 introduction to representation

(1) Define media- media is something that can me read or studied
(2) What is a hermeneutic code - its the same as an enigma code
(3) Who was the fella that was all about semiotics and hermeneutic codes
(4) What are binary opposites - they are things that are opposites in a media product
(5) Mode of address - how does the media product target its audience, is it formal or informal
(6) Mis en scene - everything in the scene
(7) Sans serif font is childish and funny to look at
(8) She purpose of an advert is to sell a lifestyle related to the product

Theory number 6 (the third one we have looked at)
Stuart Hall did not invent representation obviously but he studied it and researched it.

  • Representation is how a group of people or a culture is shown to be.
  • Representation is to show something again.
  • Representation is the ways in which a media product constructs the world and aspects in it , including social groups, individuals and events.


The audience are the people who create meaning for the media product.
Representational groups can be separated into peoples:

  • sexuality
  • ethnicity
  • nationality
  • location

When talking about Representation we need to point out these differences and explain why its significant as well as the impact of this feature. We need to think about the societal impact and how it makes these groups would feel about their representation.


The lindt advert represents women as lazy and that they sit around eating chocolate that the men have made. The chocolate really isn't much different to any other chocolate substance but as they are made for different audiences.

the woman is like 33 and she is white middle class maybe and she is ordinary. she is sitting in an ordinary american diner. this suggests that white is normal and she is targeting white men and women. There is a black man and woman (Cardi B) who are opposing Steve Carrell and the white characters. Cardi has a massive bass drop when she enters showing she is bold and like she has broken into this diner full of white men and women because she is black. This adverts uses symbolic codes as cardi has nails that have the same colours as Pepsi.
Has a double mode of address as it is for more than 1 audience. This advert is aiming at mums and the people who actually know who the backstreet boys are. The rap music is symbolising black people as anytime there is a black character there is a hiphop beat. This advert is nostalgic. The binary opposition is with the outfits that are all white vs chance the rapper who is black.

STEREOTYPES are the commonly held belief toward a group of people.


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