16.9.19 Feminist approaches to Media

Die another day- James Bond film.

  • This sequence is assuming that the audience is heterosexual men that want to see an attractive woman.
  • We are positioned as being a heterosexual man.
  • The male gaze theory- assumption that every media text/product is aiming to appeal to heterosexual men.
  • This scene shows james bond looking at halle berry's character coming out of the water in her small bikini. 
Voyeurism is when someone is looking at someone else when they don't know.

  • The women aren't wearing much, the poster on the right is wearing lingerie
  • The women are represented as being weak as they are looking away from the camera as if they are weak and shouldn't look at the audience.
  • But also they are shown to be weak as they are sitting or standing in positions that aren't comfortable,  they flatter the women in two cases.
  • the red font contrasts the lesser dominance of the women as they are shown to not have any colour.

'Men act, women appear' and the women appear for the men.

The intradiegetic is when a character looks at another character

The extradiegetic gaze is when the audience looks at another character.

Liesbet van zoonen- feminist theory

She wrote about how the audience is meant to be heterosexual men that want to see women in an erotic light.

Objectification- the process of turning a person into an object.

Women in these james bond films are being objectified as we don't care about them and in fact the bond girls are meant to be almost laughed at.

Sexualisation is when a person is made to be erotic and seen in a sexual way.

HEGEMONY-where one group wields power over another not by domination, but by coercion and consent.


  • politeness
  • not punching people in the face  

  • mum and dad create rules 
  • sibling have habits that become ruls.

She is hegemonically attractive as the rest of society think she is attractive so everyone thinks she is.


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