2.10.19 Representation and Identity

Stuart Hall- representation.

Why do stereotypes exist?

  • Stereotypes are the ways society views a certain group of people, they exist so it allows society to make sense of the world. 
  • They allow people in the media to represent different people. 
  • We can use them to hurt other people.
  • They give us a sense of inclusivity.
  • They can be funny.
Richard Dyer - Writes about gay influencers and writers and he came up with loads of theories.
He said that stereotypes exists because:
  1. To make directors lives easier
  2. To make the audience relate to at least one aspect of the character
  3. As an expression of a cultures dominant ideology.
A stereotype is a self fulfilling prophecy as when someone tell you that you are a certain person then that is who you will become.

Image result for this girl canTHIS GIRL CAN: polysemy
  • this advert uses varied shots to emphasise all the diversity sprots offers
  • This advert uses 'everyday women' including make up and painted nails to show how sports are so inclusive no matter your personal tastes
  • The initial establishing shot is off a womans buttocks as she is walking into a swimming pool
  • The target audience is for women
  • Any ethnicity, race or orientation.
  • The second shot is a close up showing that 
  • Voyeuristic positioning of the audience is used in this ad 
  • 'Sweating like a pig ,feeling like a fox' is comparing women to animals
  • 'damn right I look hot'- the purpose of exercise is to make women look better and be physically attractive
  •  Why do you need to be physically attractive 
  • Their clothes aren't high end or a size 4 so they are normal and like everybody and they should have fun
  • This is example of prestige advertising as the national lottery wants to be associated with a positive campaign

INTERTEXTUALITY is when media is in another media product.
(When another media product references another product) but only when the audience knows both products.

Young male lad from somewhere in the north sitting in his skanky bedroom. He is part of a working class family and they are seen nearer the end of the ad. It looks like a council estate. He goes to vegas in the middle of the ad and this is a binary opposition as the colours of the council estate are beige and dull unlike vegas that has powerful colours like red. The family that is shown is quite large and are wearing clothes that are typical of lower income families. The old man is wearing bland clothes and he seems quite dirty.

Image result for pot noodle ad


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