4.10.19 WaterAid

The WaterAid advert notes:

  • we as an audience expect to be seeing women and children carrying large amounts of water for many miles from their home.
  • We are expecting to see poor people with flies in their eyes.


Camera movement

Mise en scene: props


Representation of ‘Africa’

Representation of teenagers

Word list

Proairetic code
Hermeneutic code
Referential code/intertextuality  
Dominant ideology



The establishing shot of the radio is unconventional and this is because no adverts start off with the first shot being just a radio in the window, this radio also creates a binary opposition between Africa and the British audiences as the radio connotes how in Britain we have varied technological advances and in the plains of Africa even though they don't, they are still happy and this goes against the stereotype that the people in Africa are less civilised and are worse off than us. The atmos is of rain at first then transitions into the sound of crickets which symbolises how Africa is beautiful and lively. The second shot mis en scene is of a sunny, tall grass surrounded Africa in golden lighting which .
From the very first scene the audience are being positioned as being British as well as having an informal mode of address through the use of close ups and long shots making the audience feel like they are there with her. 

The next scene is a close up of Claudia's shoes and feet as she is walking to her village and this unconventional as many adverts feature the people having bare feet because the producer wants the audience to feel sorry for these people but in this shot claudia is singing while walking in her 'nice' shoes. The lexis in this scene is unconventional as she is singing in English a well known pop song and this is unconventional as many adverts don't have the people taking but just sat back crying with flies all around them. The costume in this advert shows Claudia wearing a skirt and a polo shirt and these are normal and unlike any other costumes in charity adverts as the people are normally sitting around helplessly wearing tribal dress or even clothes that are just ridiculously torn and ruined. The audience can also then relate to Claudia as she looks just like a normal British teen who is going about her daily life. The hermeneutic code is shown when Claudia is walking along the dusty road with her bucket and then the audience would be thinking about where she is going and why she might need the bucket. 

The uses and gratifications are presented in this advert as the lighting makes the audience feel the sense of escapism as well as being informed about Africa and how the people who live there live their daily lives. 

In this advert women are presented as strong and outgoing as its only women shown to be collecting the water and they are shown as fun when at the end of the advert all the women are singing along and laughing at the water pump. The producer represents the women like this to emphasis how WaterAid has helped the and that they can now enjoy life because they have access to clean water. Women are also represented as according to the male gaze theory, men would be being appealed to as they are young and traditionally beautiful African women and they are helping their families by going to get this water. 



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