Audience manipulation 30.10.19

Audience: the people who use the media product.
We can split the audiences by their:
  • age
  • gender
  • race
  • location
  • sexuality
These are called demographics and they help producers target their audience as those demographics like certain things stereotypically. For example 8-9 year old boys like bold colours and violence and then the producer can use these to make the product more appealing to the target audience.

People have always been told that if you stare at a screen then you will get square eyes and if you only watch TV then you maybe dumber. Audiences may become violent or influenced to act like a certain character.

Audiences are easily influenced,pleased, displeased and convinced.

Albert Bandura

He came up with the hypodermic needle theory.

This is on a passive audience.

This was the model that made media seem as if it was a substance that people were made to be injected with.

George Gerbner

He came up with the cultivation theory that basically says how people who watch television eventually agree with all the messages that tv portrays.

This theory is old but really really simple.
This theory is outdated as at the time there was no real internet as we know it and the tv had like 4 channels.

HEGEMONY-where one group of people has power over another group not through fear or violence. They are the accepted rules of society.

Hegemonic power vs Non hegemonic power.

Adidas leg hair advert

the model has received rape threats as the advert showed her with leg hair. This woman 

Stuart Hall

Back at it again.

Reception theory- how the audience view different media products.

DOMINANT READING audiences are meant to have particular opinions about the story or characters.

OPPOSITIONAL READING audiences disagree with the ideology in the media product.

NEGOTIATED READING when audiences generally agree with the ideology but they can make up their own ideology as well.


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