Newspapers- Daily Mirror and The Times

The views and values of the producer = ideologies.

MASTHEAD- shows the name of the paper.


  • bold 
  • eye catching
  • working class 
  • red- labour party
  • 'daily' sows its can be for everyone anyday
  • Mirror suggests it represents britain as it reflects what happens
  • lowercase serif font shows its simple and normal like the people who read the newspaper.
  • patriotic colours
  • lower price

  • middle class
  • older audience
  • formal
  • higher price

The daily mirror is a tabloid newspaper that has political ties with the labour party and this is seen through the use of the red and white in the masthead, the labour party association is also seen through the article at the bottom of the paper as the sentence says "we" showing the sense of labour party community. The paper tagline is "fighting for you" this give a sense of patriotism that link with the red and white colours in the masthead that connote st george and the english flag. 


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