Representation in the newspaper industry

CULTIVATION THEORY- media is like seeds that are planted in our head,the more seeds you plant then the more likely it is to persuade someone into thinking something.

Bias through image selection- trump
media products make a response from the audience.
As an audience we mediate the text- so we come to some agreement.
Representations are constructed through language.

Point: who,where and what is being represented
Evidence: how are they represented, through the use of... TECHNICAL DEVICES
Message: what is being said about these people or the place and issue.
Argument: why have they used this? what does it mean for the group?

The daily mail online is the most read online newspaper in the world.
The mail online is aimed at women aged 30-50 year old women.

'Scantily-clad women upstaged by their VERY messy bedrooms'
Child pornography maybe? but there is no way to really check.
Provokes the audience into outrage.

The mail online is aimed at women aged 30 to 50 and this is shown by having stories that feature things that women should be interested in like pregnancy and engagement news as well as tv gossip and celebrity day to day lives.


This represents women as being only wanting a boyfriend or husband and a family with a new baby and a very rich lifestyle.
This shows women as being materialistic and interested in money as they flaunt their new daughters room.
Women are being represented as being weak as her boyfriend is holding her like he needs to protect her.

This represents women as being obsessed with clothes and rich celebrities.
They also want a body like this woman as women always need to look pretty.


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