Industry and audience

Industry and audience

Media language
Industry- how and why the product is made

Audience is something you can infer and sort of make up where as the industry questions are based on cold hard facts.
Production, how things are made.
Distribution, how the product is given to the audience.
The primary way films are distributed are thought cinemas and online streaming services like netflix.
Digital distribution is becoming the norm and is becoming the only way people can find out about media products.
We get our news through social media.
We live in a digitally convergiant world.

What is the difference between an institution and an industry.
An institution has its own set of beliefs and they all have their own unique selling point.

Vertical vs horizontal integration
Vertical- Disney,Paramount.
Horizontal- Disney bought marvel


Image result for jean seaton"Image result for james curran"

We need diversity in media or we won't get a full range of ideologies or we will all be the same and we will watch things we have no choice in watching.

A monopoly is a company that owns the industry they are in.

Who owns the UK newspapers?


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