Revision question and mnm first impressions

To what extent is audience response to media representation,influenced by social,cultural and historical circumstances? make references to women and adbusters.

male gaze theory
dominant ideology
  • The man is voyeuristically creating a spectacle of the woman for him and the audience.
  • The woman is also looking at herself and this isn't voyeurism.
  • The intradiegetic  gaze reinforces the women status as a sexualised object.
  • The man is a stereotypical man who isn't very attractive.
  • she has managed to attract a rich good looking man.
  • she is out and being noticed


in order to be sexualised she needs to be noticed
she is an object that becomes more appealing when she is wanted

the images are set up in a comic book style to show that the audience is simple and childish.
she is seen to be a model or an actress which for a woman means they are better than everyone else as their beauty is clear and highlighted. 

Stereotypes are always a bad thing but they are also commonly held beliefs about a certain type of people. 

Benefits of stereotypes:
  1. it makes the world easier
  2. it helps people to feel part of their community

Brand identity is how a business presents itself and wants to be perceived as by its audience


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