To get an A and double page spreads

lots of writing
so much media terminology
higher level concepts (hegemony)
referring to the question 
facts and figures with own research

The mis en scene of the woman by the sink in this double page spread connotes how society is lead by a patriarchy and this is proven by liesbet van zoonen's theory that women are put in media products to be sexualised and this proves that hegemonically we are a patriarchal society as the men are encouraged to gaze upon the women as objects of beauty. The male gaze theory is proven also through the mis en scene of the woman in the kitchen, the womans body is an object to be sexualised.

He is mansplaining as its a man telling women about women. He is hegemonically attractive as a man but he is represented 4 times as it makes him seem powerful and the mis en scene of the close up of Grace kelly makes her seem submissive as she is made to look sexualised.
The simile of 'snow capped volcanoes' objectifies women and means that women are cold on the outside but fiery on the inside. Fiery is a metaphor for women being very sexual on the inside. Alfred hitchcock is basically saying that british women all want to have sex all the time with anyone. this article reflects the dominant ideology of the time that women are exactly like this and that men and women need to read this to be the bes of british. The proairetic code of her slightly opened lips suggests that women want to kiss everyone. This entire article is just him saying that women are sluts and that they should be treated like gold or men will be stuck with a boring woman.


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