Adbusters and How to structure an essay

Adbusters is a hybrid of politics and arts\culture\photography.
It can be seen as a 'lifestyle' magazine as well as it talks about everyday things that affect the normal person. But it really isn't a lifestyle magazine.
It is environmentally conscious. It is sociological magazine as it deals with the 'ologies'.


  • Set edition is the may\june edition 2016
  • The adbusters website is called
  • The magazine's frequency is bimonthly
  • Adbusters is made by adbusters media foundation
  • The RRP is £10.99
  • Circulation-120,000 readership
  • the subtitle for the set edition is 'journal of the mental environment'
  • They are fans of culture jamming
  • They hate capitalism 
  • Adbusters hate adverts
  • They do not make a profit
  • There are no real restrictions for age with magazines unless it is a porn mag
  • This magazine is like a fuck you to other magazines and the capitalist society we live in today
  • It is pretentious
The masthead is different with each edition, this is problematic as the audience won't be able to recognise the magazine bimonthly.

  • The masthead is plain and sanserif 
  • The mis en scene of the aggression suggests the magazine will not be an easy read
  • Each cover has one title and one coverline, they are as big as the masthead suggesting that the brand is like this magazine
  • Post west,post truth
  • Anti western culture 
  • The audience has to guess who this guy is and where he comes from or is and this is a message that 

Genre conventions in magazines are completely informed by the social and historical context to which they are made- Evaluate this statement and refer to adbusters and hybridity.

How to structure an essay and how to deal with long ass questions.

  1. read the question
  2. underline key words
  3. refer to the question
  4. evaluate gosh damn it 
  5. Come up with a knee jerk reaction
  6. Argue on way or another
  7. Plan- jot literally anything down you can get marks
  8. DAC- define ,argue and context of adbusters
  9. Do the question:

steve neale 
stuart hall 

Genre- is an essential way to categorise a media product and it helps the producer target an audience.
PEA- point, rephrase the question- evidence, terminology-argument,theories and theorists.

CONCLUSION- run out of time so yah can miss it out
It should have no new information, go through what you have just said.


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