Adbusters is anti capitalist.
Marxism- is the idea of the manipulation or exploitation of the working class by the ruling class.
Society has been structured to keep the rich wealthy and the poor people poor.
Karl Marx wrote a book called the communist manifesto. He said we will take all the bad stuff for year and years and then there will be a telos and the poor will revolt.

Binary oppositions.

Roland Barthes
Proairetic codes- when a media product has an action suggesting something will happen
Hermeneutic codes-something suggesting a mystery
Symbolic codes- what does the bits of the media suggest
Levi strauss

Binary oppositions 

Red is bold and colourful vs the plain white
Refugees and fashion runway

Binary opposition is constructed between a well known brand and a poor boy with milk cartons for shoes.
the audience is part of the problem
really low production value
expectation of audience knowledge
postcolonial perspectives: a guttural mode of address
this magazine is like fuck you look at what yo have done
high angle birds eye view looking down on model suggests we as an audience feel like they need to look up to us because we know these brands and can afford to pay loads for a pair of shoes
this model is made to be worse off than us as they are dirty
the hermeneutic code of the dirty feet make the audience wonder what life this person leads
the fact that the shoes are flip flops shows that the model is simple and cant afford good styles of shoes the sho0es lack comfort but so does the louboutin shoes, but the audience of the shoes will want to be known by the brand
the red soles is a play on imes as the louboutin shoes have red soles as their signature look and the play on images is that if the poor person is wearing milk bottle shoes then their feet may bleed as they are very uncomfortable
by paying  a ridiculous amount of money you cam have a free lifestyle
intertextual reference to charity adverts
louboutins marketing strategy is selling to deliberately trashy aesthetic to extremely rich people

contrast between black and white an vibrant color
the one in colour is the desired lifestyle
the mode of address is making the target audience feel guilty like they are making this child wear no real shoes
it says made in italy but that doesn't mean they are all made sustainably, it means that bits were made in italy
low paid workers making shoes in middle eastern countries and africa where the child is wearing plastic milk bottle shoes


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