Commodity fetishism

How are representations of ethnicity represented
How does the ideology of the magazine come through with these pages
How can stuart hall's theory be applied here
How is the audience positioned

In this spoof advert the audience are positioned as being in front of this child and instead of helping they are talking a picture. the joke of this advert is that many people cannot afford high end pricey shoes and that instead of looking at an advert and wanting what you cannot have, you should be grateful for what you do have as you could need to wear milk cartons as shoes. In this advert the audience are positioned as looking down, we are looking down through our expensive camera. This image has a very low production value as the image is grainy and the feet are nasty.

This advert constructs a stereotype in order to make a point of how big our issues are, this also is very controversial and the adbusters brand is all about controversy.

The mis en scene of the advert is showing that this person is black-african as their feet are black. the mis en scene of the bottle shoes is that this is a charity advert as the person in the advert needs money to buy actual shoes.

This links to the ideals of the magazine as they are trying to make this a joke and the magazine is suggesting that louboutins which have red soles are making people have to wear these shoes as capitalism makes communities die. This joke is satire, meaning its attacking something and in this case it is high end fashion vs everyday struggles.

Commodity fetishism

Commodity fetishism is like an obsession relating to a brand.
Commodity is the process of ascribing magic properties to a brand or product.
We strip away anything relating to the purpose of the product.
Commody fetishim according to marxism is manipulation of the working class.

The magazine assumes that we have all this knowledge about brazil and how daily life works for people in sao paulo.

The mis en scene of the woman's wrinkly hands shows an excess of water as she has absorbed loads hence the wrinkles.

This image is of a naked woman and it is subversive as being stereotypical for women in adverts to be there to be looked at in a sexual way. The sole purpose of this woman is to not be sexualised though as she isn't indecent and you cannot see much of her ,including her face, the binary oppositions of having water and not having water.

There is huge inequality and we are trying to contrast this image to the spoof advert.

Active audience response

Zucchetti is a high end bathroom ware company.

Adbusters is a multimedia product as it suggests the readers will use other methods to read into these issues or brands.


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