introduction to music videos

Scorpitone is a french invention and it combined music and video. this was considered the foundation to today's modern music video's. In the 1960's artists had to record visuals and audio making it a long process.

Generic fluidity - the way in which a form or genre changes over time

Chantel goya- 1966

The video is in black and white and this connotes mystery for the audience. this black and white effect is also due to the lack of colour production at the time as colour music video became more accepted in '64.
In the video the artist is seen in a small box that moves during the video, it starts in the left corner of the screen. music videos in the 60's would have been seen on television meaning that the picture would have been larger than any music videos we can access today which are made mainly to be accessible for smaller screens.
The mis en scene of her face shows she isn't wearing any make up and this is a key point because music at the time was made for fun and not made to be extravagant, artists took a more simple costume approach as well as a more simple and everyday hairstyle.
The artist can be seen singing in time with the lyrics of the song and this will make the audience feel that they are part of the music video themselves.

REBECCA vanity angel 1989

Visual affects were very common in the mid to late eighties and this is a key feature in this music video. Artists use many different concepts for videos and this is clearly shown in this video as there are bright colors and varied backgrounds.
The costumes are very key for this video as the artist and the band are seen wearing different costumes as the backdrops of the scene changes. This screenshot shows that the artist has used a green screen to add a visual effect to the keyboard players scene and this can be because other music videos at the time also use these techniques.

The lighting in this scene is used to highlight the joy which is felt by the characters in this shot. this lighting highlights how the band is having a good time by making this music and therefore the audience will have a good time by listening to it.

Bricolage - where a media product is constructed from a range of elements, often from completely different contexts and time periods

Kylie minogue- hand on your heart 1989

The establishing shot has kylie's lips moving along with the lyrics and this can be see as provactive as her costume is quite revealing as she dances and sings to her sng. she strolls through an abstract mansion in a fancy dress an high heels, she stops an sings a few times while looking directly at the audience through direct address.
The costume for this music video consists of fancy looking dresses with very low necklines as to highlight her breasts, this is very provactive as men would see this and see her figure being hugged by her dress.
There is a flying heart and this accompanies her as to symbolise how her heart is flying arond because she is in love.
In this music video women re represented as being objects of beauty and that they are controlled by their hearts and emotions. The mis en scene of the flying heart connotes how women let their hearts decide things for them and that they are controlled by what they feel and they make decisions based on how they feel rather than facts ad logic.

Pulp- this is hardcore 1989

The men in this music video are the only people who talk or sing and this makes women seem as if they should stay silent and that the modern film industry makes them be quiet.

The women in this video are shown to be like objects as they are shown just to react to things that happen not talk about them, the woman who is dancing in her bedroom is then upstaged by a fight that happens between two men and this suggests how women are airheads who dance around while men do the work.

Near the end of the video the man in the middle is being surrounded by scantily clad women who are fanning him


This video is like a spoof of  tool adverts but they have made the video more like a pornographic video as they have women in very revealing clothes while using these tools in a very provocative way.
The lyrics are very tied to the actions of the women, this ind of video is very degrading for women as we are seen as objects rather than people.
These women are only used in this video to be looked at in a sexual way and this makes women be represented as being only good for sex.


Black pink is a modern music group who are based in Korea and sing in English and Korean, their music videos are among the most expensive made.
The group have a varied amount of sequences together and as solo. The mis en scene of the changing backgrounds symbolizes how the audience are all from different backgrounds and they can all come together to listen as a community.

The costumes are a large part of this video as the artists change at least 3 times each and they each incorporate bold colours in their outfits.
This music video subverts stereotypical expectations of women as the women are wearing bold colours and skirts that can be seen as short or slightly revealing, this is different to normal expectations of women as women are meant to be covered u an shouldn't be made  unless they are older and are in films as then women are meant to be like sexual objects.


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