The representation of women in riptide

Riptide represents women, gender and men.

Women in this video are generally shown to be victimised and objectified. the video uses key lighting and high shadowing to create a sense of terror, by using terrified facial expressions women are shown to be scared.
In the scene of the singing woman we aren't meant to be enjoying the womens uncomfortableness and this is shown through the use of long scenes where the singing woman is clearly in pain or just uncomfortable. This long scene emphasises how women aren't comfortable being looked at and that the audience should feel guilty for just looking at these struggling women. The singing womans make up is slowly getting worse and worse, the mis en scene of her make up is that she has been crying and this creates a scary setting for a woman.
Women are being victimised and we arent meant to like it but we are meant to show that we are uncomforable. This scene with the singing woman is highlighting how she is like any normal woman as she wears make up and dresses glamourously, she is in the spotlight and this connotes how women are always highlighted by how they look and if someone looked less than beatuful then they arent as much of a woman as her.
The singing woman scene shows that women are like performers and thst they are always being looked at.

Women in media are typically objectified and this video does still objectify women but it draws attenton away from the rest of their bodies and to their feet, which they are using to run away and this can symbolise how somewomen want to run away from the gazes and stereotypical obectification of women in the media.

These representations appeal to a male heterosexual target audience, however many audiences can see this and think actually these women shouldnt be seen as objects.

low angle shots from in a bush create a voyeristic presence and set the audience up to look as if they are the ones spying on this woman without her consent.

This scene shows a woman trying to escapebeing tied to a tree and this represents women as being their own heros as she is getting free by herself.

These lollys are being unstuck as the lyrics say that the car is stuck and this is a symbolic code as it represents being stuck.

The lady in this scene is getting undressed and is about to get in the sea and this represents the lyrics as the lyric is saying that she is running to the riptide which is when the sea is wavy.

This woman looks scared and as if she has been threatened as she is holding a knife. the audience is put in the position of being the person who is scaring her and this connotes how women dont like to be stared at as if they are objects that need to be looked at all the time.


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