
The use of bricolage
Bricolage is a media product that combines lots of different elements form different time perods and styles. so in the fomation music video there are elements of 80's styles like when beonce is wearing the fur coat and has cornrows as this was a popular style aoped by many rappers and artists at the time. by using bricolage beyonce presents a specific meaning to the audience that her music and the meaning of her music will still be relevent to future generations so to show this she used elements of other times. The future will still hold inequality between races as this music video will continue to show the way in which society deals with thse issues and highlights the difficulties faced by many communities with in america.
This scene references times were slavery was widely used through out america and this is a powerful scene because it has put black women in the seats of the rich who were the ones to use slaves. the costume is very lacy as the lace trade was very popular in the 18th and 19th century.

This scene has references to the 80's as many videos of the period had many effects used and one was the purposeful burring or added video icons like the word "play".

intertextuality is when a media product refers to another media product, so for example if a TV show like rick and morty refers to another film like mad max then this is intertextuality.
in this scene she says how she likes her kids with their "jackson 5 noses" which is a reference to the music group jackson 5 who were a family who made music together in the 70's.They were a top selling black artist family. on of the memebers was Michael Jackson who later became one of the most famous artists of all time. Jackson's music videos were very inspirational in the black lives matter campaign along with many of beyonce's videos later in the years.

New Orleans beat music

this scene was used in teh beyonce music video and this shows that beyonce wants to reference how the communities in the south have their own cultures and that it mkes these communities special even if the government or society doesnt think they are worth much, the community knows what they want and they have a good time.

This depicts the very opening of beyonce's music video formation as well as the beat video as it shows the imact of the hurricane on New Orleans

This scene is also in both videos and shows a man dancing and this signifies how even though society doesn't see these communities as worth saving, that they are having as much fun as they can otherwise there is no point on living with the poverty becoming an issue in southern states.

The antebellum era and slavery in the south of america
This era started in the late 18th century and ended at the beginning of the civil war.This era had very unique styles and costume. The era is also known as the plantation era as many of the states thrived of off slavery and the work of these many plantations that were worked on by black slaves who came from Africa and other countries.
Agriculture was a large part of the southern economy as many of the cotton plantations were based in the south and therefore would need cheap workers to ensure that the plantation was successful. these workers were bought from large boats over from many counties and sold slaves to the highest bidder.

Slaves worked on platations for very little money and they worked very long hours, with the invention of the cotton gin this meant that workers could now separate cotton fibers and the cotton seeds. these machines were dangerous and caused many accidents but the slave owners didn't really care as long as they made a profit.

There was a huge wealth in equality in the south as the rich stayed rich and the poor stayed poor.

Gone with the wind is the most iconic films set in the antebellum south and its costume and scenery show only the richer white community as the film would want to show the mistreatment of the black communites as no on would go see the film.

Hurricane katrina

Hurricane katrina happened on the 23rd of august 2005 and caused devastation to the south of america and in particular, New Orleans. it caused approx $125 billion in damage and killed 1,200 people.
Beyonce uses this in her music video because many of the ruins are still about in the south as the communities cant afford to rebuild many of the lost building or even to scrap any of the damaged building or property. Flooding caused the state many other issues as lots of buildings got water damage or were completely flooded in. This is a great injustice for these communities as the government is meant to hep these people to rebuild and find homes but they haven't been properly compensated. this is a key point for beyonce because not only is she from the south but she grew up in communities like these which have been destroyed by this hurricane.

This event is symbolic of the injustice that black communities face as they were unjustly neglected by the government who promised to help then just left the communities to do it themselves. this is symbolic of how the communities have been overlooked for many years an how it causes these communities such pain by being neglected. The storm was not just a natural disaster but a social disaster because it brought the community together but divided the country. The nation was at its worst as churches and places of great significance for these communities were gone and couldn't be saved especially with the lack of help from the government.


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