Unseen advert analysis

 Nike advert analysis

Overall: the video cuts together a wide range of people from all kinds of communities

This is the establishing shot and it shows a dual set of videos with two different athletes doing different sports.

The camera angle in this shot is a mid shot and this can create meaning for the audience because it represents more than one person and this means that the audience can relate to the main models because they can represent them as a woman or as a black woman. By representing these groups the advert is 

The videos are not in perfect sync and this can be symbolic of how we are all different but are all together in sports which for a sport company is a powerful message because they aren’t saying you have to be professional like these people are but you can wear what they wear and what you want.

The colours in this shot are very varied but have the same blue background even as they are different shades and this is symbolic of how everyone comes from different backgrounds and they come together to do sport and how they can do it for enjoyment not just as a career. The colours are also connoting American values because she is a competitor for America in the olympics or a sporting event, Nike is an American company so the audience is Americans 

Cinematography- designed to make it eye catching and as if the models are all together because they are so in sync.
The narration creates meaning through representation of the lgbtq community because the narrator is a lesbian women’s football player Michelle rapeno which highlights the message of the advert that anyone can play sport and its a uniting thing.
The wokeness selling factor is really used in the advert because they show al these people but they dont show how they do anything for the but they are kind of saying that because they are representing them in the advert that they then should by the products because nike is with them.

The producer represented one group such as the lgbtq community through the use of the narration, the narrator ik the advert is a famous sportswoman called Michelle rapeno who is a lesbian football player nd by having her narrate th advert the minority is represented through the idea of realign to the narrator. The avert uses a series of shots to emphasise the support for this group, for example in the middle of the video here is a dual mid shot form two different camera where a woman s skateboarding then into the next mid shot there is another woman who is holding a smoke flag that belongs to the LGBTQ community. The smoke connotes how the brand is trying to advocate with the target audience because of the clear minority reference and this is clear in the narrative because the everyday people being used is like a contrast to the narrative as if to connote how the community stands out. Nike use this contrast to represent the group to be able to sell the sporting goods to the niche target markets represented in the video,the goal of any advert is to sell the brand ideology and to increase sales and this advert represents the ideology of the company that they are able to support the community simply by showing them on the advert. The advert doesn’t show any real political agenda but does show the groups nike are tying to appeal to and this is seen through the varying mid shot of people fro all different nationalities and cultures.



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