Exam question practise/ cover lesson

To what extent do representations of gender reflect the socio-economic context of the TV shows you have studied? make reference to Humans and Les Revenants.


  • Objectification of Anita because she is a product that is like a woman- women are objects
  • Judith Butler- performativity of women (Anita)
  • Modern slavery 
  • Costume- plain feminine clothes on Anita
  • Anita/Laura binary opposition
  • East Asian cyborg Anita is represented as a sexual object who has had her autonomy stripped away from her
  • The inclusion of cyborgs function as an allegory, and explores themes of racism, sexual slavery, migration, globalisation and a fear of technology
  • A hyperreal representation of women, questioning the representation of women in media and the hegemonically dictated role they play in society
  • Stereotypical, hyperreal representation of a ‘typical’ middle-class British family 
  • An inclusive selection of a range of ages, genders and later, sexualities demonstrates an ability to appeal to multiple audiences

Les Revenant

  • White middle class representation 
  • Lena subverts stereotypical representations of women because she leads Simon and is confident rather then her being lead by the patriarchal male character
  • Lena is openly flirty with simon and this is also subversive because women are represented as being demure and sexless beings but also heavily sexualised.
  • The shows can appeal to a modern audience through these subversions
  • Simon subverts the resperenational vein of men as he resists lenas offer to flirt as men are often shown to be sexualised beings
  • A range of characters, of different ages and socio-economic groups ensures a potentially broad audience
  • Almost universally white cast represents a hyperreal construction of the French countryside for both the domestic and international middle class white target audiences. 
  • In many ways stereotypically French in terms of the appearance of the actors and the moody, existentialist themes, though the constand binary opposition of sex and death
  • Victor and Camille takes the role of the terrifying child, which in horror films is a common trope, indicating our societies collective fear of young people 
  • Many subversive representations of gender, in particular Lena and Julie

introduction: define argument context

Representation is the portrayal of a social group or event in a media product and this


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