• How is the television industry a specialised industry?
Specialised means unique and the TV industry is specialised through digital convergence as they can avoid regulations due to genre and channel. The platforms that can produce TV shows are changing with Netflix and Disney plus being ever growing.
  • How is the TV industry different from the film industry?
TV is endless with the amount of accessible content as thee are millions of channels and loads of shows that get put on at certain times. Film industry doesn't always meet the mass appeal as the content. The way in which they are each funded as tv needs advertising money but film industry have larger budgets.
  • How do television shows make money?
  • How are Humans and Les Revenants distributed to their target audiences?
Online streaming services like 4 Demand and AMC owns them so they can run a larger distribution chain to bring in a larger audience. Canalplus is the streaming service for France where le revenants is streamed and it is an expensive location based service.
  • Could these shows be considered to be successful? Explain your answer
Humans is a successful show
  • Who made Humans? (hint: it wasn't just Channel 4! Who else got involved, and why?)
  • How did the makers of Humans ensure it's success? (think cast, genre, iconography, soundtrack, marketing, etc!)

10 Representations in humans

Nuclear family's kind of 
White middle class
East Asian working class woman
sex workers
Computer enthusiasts and coders
Teen age boys

CLIP ANALYSIS - George and Odie
Hyper reality of the perfect suburban shop with the shelves all stocked and the blue green colour scheme 
representation of elderly people and carers 
Representation of the police with the officers walking around after the incident and telling George that he can't have Odie walking around punching humans because humans are "more important"
The police officers are inimidating because they are in positions of authority, they are both white working class and this is representative of working class white police men and women 

UK crime dramas really all look like this.


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