TV industry comparison

What media language is associated with humans and le revenants

How does this create meaning?

 1) Purpose of the visual aspects

2) polysemic things

3) Genre- Hybridity

4) Encoding decoding

5) Target audience- Niche smaller audience specific enigma coding

6) Key scenes of the product to the audience

7) Humans challenging ideology- hyperreality 


define media language and the use of technical code and why then argue about how they do this then say about the media product you need to look at, including when it was made and the genre.

LES REVENANTS- The returned

  • Enigma codes- suspenseful music, blue colour coding with the fog
  • opening scene straight away there is a black screen with the name Camille
  • Wide establishing shot of a dam
  • Not British iconography
  • slow pan up to alps to establish to French alps
  • sombre tones with the piano music
  • relayable iconography of a typical school trip coach
  • protagonist unconventional scene setting because she instantly dies
  • chaotic first reading
  • slow pace
  • conventional horror
  • music gets louder 
  • synthetic notes
  • Mogwai- Scottish alt rock band
  • Close ups on Camille to build audience interaction only to unconventionally kill her off in the opening scene.
  • High shadows
  • wide tracking shots- voyerism
  • Polysemic use of binary opposition of the natural setting vs the supernatural undertones of the storyline


  • starts with a white fade out as like a tv in the 80's with a shutting down sequence 
  • Clear iconography of a camera lens which is relatable for the audience then the enigma code of the human eye 
  • The iconography of the eye is symbolic of the voyerism of and to the audience 
  • The make up of the opening model is too perfect to be human so the Sci-fi genre is encoded here 
  • key lighting on the protagonist 
  • High shadows and silhouettes as enigma codes
  • Blue colour coding to connote a dependancy which is then contrasted to the shadows that connote an underlying danger
  • Intertextual link to black mirror in that the sci fi mixes with horror
  • The sigularity postmodern
  • bricolage of robot history with the metallic imagery and the synthetic music
  • Low angle scene in the synth factory with the moon shining through the roof


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