
Showing posts from September, 2019

30.9.19 introduction to representation

(1) Define media- media is something that can me read or studied (2) What is a hermeneutic code - its the same as an enigma code (3) Who was the fella that was all about semiotics and hermeneutic codes (4) What are binary opposites - they are things that are opposites in a media product (5) Mode of address - how does the media product target its audience, is it formal or informal (6) Mis en scene - everything in the scene (7) Sans serif font is childish and funny to look at (8) She purpose of an advert is to sell a lifestyle related to the product Theory number 6 (the third one we have looked at) Stuart Hall did not invent representation obviously but he studied it and researched it. Representation is how a group of people or a culture is shown to be. Representation is to show something again. Representation is the ways in which a media product constructs the world and aspects in it , including social groups, individuals and events. MEDIA PRODUCTS ARE CONSTRUCTIONS OF


John Berger said that the function of an advert is"to make the spectator marginally dissatisfied with his own way of life so that if he buys the product then he will think that his life is better and it offers him an improved version of his life. Ideology are the beliefs and values of the media product/the producer. this is shown through all of the product: in the colour, model stance ,anchorage ,setting, mis en scene and BINARY OPPOSITIONS black vs white nature vs city Dominant ideology : set of ideas or cultures that is the most common or widely accepted in society, it can change over time. Ideology of Britain  Tea The union jack Queuing The royals Stabbings Angry Sunday lunches Kings and Queens Imperialistic Western philosophy Resisting firearms Free health care Follow the law and not kill people Tolerance COFE (religion) the tide advert reinforces traditional British values about the family and household as there is no man because he should

25.9.19 Coke and Dolce

A brand leader is a brand that is the biggest in its category. This advert is really heavy on the colour red as red connotes love and power.  There is 3 main colours which appeals to the rule of three theory, these colours are red ,white and black. The models are young and of different ethnicity which is because this is the age where they have disposable income and they are all of different ethnicity because then the product is for everyone There is a direct mode of address Her jacket is very revealing which is very seductive she is in a major city and this has connotations of being chaotic and trendy she is just in the middle of the street in the rain and she is drinking a coke that wouldn't be very smart in the real world she has scruffy hair as-well so she is seen as free                               Claude levi-Strauss (structuralist) structuralism is about how things like language and society are structured Binary opposition- two concepts, messages or v

23.9.19 Tide Advert 1950

Facts This product was launched by Procter and Gamble and soon became a brand leader. 1946 character called 'the housewife' customer had high hopes for the brand  The advert uses the z line theory as the audience would read the text then look at the woman and finally they would look at the cartoon. The colours show a kind of patriotism as the American flag has red white and blue. The red suggests how the woman 'loves' this product. the mode of address for this ad is through many things such as the characters dress or the bold colours that are used or even the repeated 'w' sound. The advert has love hearts over the top of the characters head suggesting that she feels so strongly a feeling love toward the product. the advert is specifically talk to women as an audience as the advert literally says that its what women want. LANGUAGE The target audience is suggested to be enthused about the product as they use an exclamation mark at the end of the headi
Canali is an Italian word and these are Italian suits. The colours are simple and not very bold as the suit has a simple elegance. The model is the focal point and the model is highlighted through the use of the background having a shallow depth of field. The models stance and gesture suggests that he is confident and he is suggested to be a typical manly man. The model also looks Italian, he has very chiseled features. The man who wears this suit is supposed to have the rich man lifestyle. He looks as if he doesn't need to work instead he can just walk around looking gorgeous in his expensive Italian suit. Roland Barthes is a key media theorist who was really good at finding codes.He was awesome at semiotics. HERMENEUTICS Hermeneutics also are called enigma codes and they are the things in the text that create mystery or suspense or anything that asks the audience a question. In film or TV the scenes that never really have an answer or has not continued a plot lin

Intro to advertising 18.9.19

Convention-the thing that makes up that genre. E.g. horror would have props such as jump scares. Layout and design- the actual placing of the things on the page. Mis en scene-everything you can see in the scene (shot). What is an ad? It sells a lifestyle that we think comes with the product. John Berger said that the purpose of an advert is to make you feel unhappy with your life. The target audience will feel that they too can have the 'ideal' lifestyle just by having this suit. 19 theorists that we must know: 1)Roland Barthes- semiotics, the study of meanings. sign-anything that can have meaning. signifiers-the thing that means something. signified-the meaning that is created. The colours are natural vs bright to show the models as outgoing and yet simple The green and white emphasise the natural theme as well as connoting innocence The twirly and hand-written looking font makes the advert seem as if one person has worked to personally gi

first lesson

Editing - the assembling and cutting of footage to create a narrative. A shot -is an uninterrupted sequence of footage. Mis-en-scene - everything in a shot. 'put in scene'- the french translation. Setting -the actual background and surrounding. Camerawork: low angle shot-when the camera is below the subject and they make the audience engage with the character and to make the character seem more intimidating. close up- a sort of 'in the face shot' that emphasises the emotion and character. a long shot is a further away shot that shows more mis-en-scene and the whole character. mid shot- is the mix up a long shot and a close up Text- a piece of media. suspense sequence idea: a range of different shots and focus points for the audience.