
Showing posts from March, 2020

Formation: themes and representation.

Context provided by eduqas: Formation, lead single for the album Lemonade, was released the day before Beyoncé performed at the Super Bowl final in February 2016. The Formation music video, directed by Melina Matsoukas, was released with the song. This music video has won numerous awards including a Clio Award for Innovation and Creative Excellence in a Music Video at the 2016 awards, and has been nominated in the music video category at the 59th Grammy Awards. The video is set against the backdrop of the flooding in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and the associated racial tension in America, and also draws historical parallels with references to racism and slavery. LYRICS The meaning behind the song Formation by Beyonce is pretty straightforward. She wants people to know their self-worth and she encourages people to have strong self-esteem. By this amazing track, Beyonce must be trying to touch both the Black Lives Matter Movement and Feminism at the same time. ht

The representation of women in riptide

Riptide represents women, gender and men. Women in this video are generally shown to be victimised and objectified. the video uses key lighting and high shadowing to create a sense of terror, by using terrified facial expressions women are shown to be scared. In the scene of the singing woman we aren't meant to be enjoying the womens uncomfortableness and this is shown through the use of long scenes where the singing woman is clearly in pain or just uncomfortable. This long scene emphasises how women aren't comfortable being looked at and that the audience should feel guilty for just looking at these struggling women. The singing womans make up is slowly getting worse and worse, the mis en scene of her make up is that she has been crying and this creates a scary setting for a woman. Women are being victimised and we arent meant to like it but we are meant to show that we are uncomforable. This scene with the singing woman is highlighting how she is like any normal woman as

Riptide analysis

Analyse and apply semiotics and structuralist theory to riptide by Vance joy. research intertexual influences. MUSIC VIDEO approx 90 mins long They have so many beats per minute Can have a series of different images or a story but it doesn't have to be consistent Tend to not have natural audio like films do FILMS approx 4 mins long films have a story line with a beginning, middle and end films have bigger budgets Films have credits at the end Key term - celebrity  -  "The attribution of glamorous or notorious status to somebody in the public sphere" (Rojec, cited in Abercrombie & Longhurst, 2007:54) Lady Gaga has created herself as a celebrity as she wears the most controversial outfits such as her meat dress. In this music video the costumes are based on a neon apocalypse theme with space genre items. the lyrics of the sog go well with the concept as she is singing about being free and not wanting to not be herself which is shwon when she dress

introduction to music videos

Scorpitone is a french invention and it combined music and video. this was considered the foundation to today's modern music video's. In the 1960's artists had to record visuals and audio making it a long process. Generic fluidity - the way in which a form or genre changes over time Chantel goya- 1966 The video is in black and white and this connotes mystery for the audience. this black and white effect is also due to the lack of colour production at the time as colour music video became more accepted in '64. In the video the artist is seen in a small box that moves during the video, it starts in the left corner of the screen. music videos in the 60's would have been seen on television meaning that the picture would have been larger than any music videos we can access today which are made mainly to be accessible for smaller screens. The mis en scene of her face shows she isn't wearing any make up and this is a key point because music at the time was made

How do contextual factors shape the production, distribution, circulation and consumption of magazines?

Published 6 times per ear the set edition is the june/july 2016 edition Commodity fetishism- ideals of a brand, the idolisation of a brand. Symbolic annihilation- something missing from a text- no black people in woman. Anchorage- the meaning being held down- subheading. Subvert- turn away from the expectations Voyeurism- when someone is being looked at and they don't know it. Adbusters media foundation was set up in 1989. How do contextual factors shape the production, distribution, circulation and consumption of magazines?  The dominant ideology is the main view of the magazine in terms of this question. For adbusters their dominant ideology is anti capitalist. • What is the ideology/ethos of Adbusters? Right from the start we called ourselves  Adbusters  and went head on against the whole fucking industry. • How does Adbusters subvert traditional magazine conventions, especially in relation to advertising? Most magazines are full of ads,