
Showing posts from January, 2020

Revision question and mnm first impressions

To what extent is audience response to media representation,influenced by social,cultural and historical circumstances? make references to women and adbusters. positioning voyeurism anchorage male gaze theory specticle dominant ideology hegemony,patriarchy The man is voyeuristically creating a spectacle of the woman for him and the audience. The woman is also looking at herself and this isn't voyeurism. The intradiegetic  gaze reinforces the women status as a sexualised object. The man is a stereotypical man who isn't very attractive. she has managed to attract a rich good looking man. she is out and being noticed disexrelibriam in order to be sexualised she needs to be noticed she is an object that becomes more appealing when she is wanted the images are set up in a comic book style to show that the audience is simple and childish. she is seen to be a model or an actress which for a woman means they are better than everyone e

To get an A and double page spreads

lots of writing so much media terminology theorists\theory higher level concepts (hegemony) referring to the question  facts and figures with own research The mis en scene of the woman by the sink in this double page spread connotes how society is lead by a patriarchy and this is proven by liesbet van zoonen's theory that women are put in media products to be sexualised and this proves that hegemonically we are a patriarchal society as the men are encouraged to gaze upon the women as objects of beauty. The male gaze theory is proven also through the mis en scene of the woman in the kitchen, the womans body is an object to be sexualised. He is mansplaining as its a man telling women about women. He is hegemonically attractive as a man but he is represented 4 times as it makes him seem powerful and the mis en scene of the close up of Grace kelly makes her seem submissive as she is made to look sexualised. The simile of 'snow capped volcanoes' object

A present for your kitchen

Personification- its saying that kitchens are the heart of the home and that they are so important that they should be treated. This article appeals to more than one class as they have really cheap and very expensive items. Shorthand writing style. this magazine is promoting a monogamous relationship. hegemonic view that suggests she needs to always look pretty.
The 60's Psychedelic drugs were about a lot The beatles The mini skirt The contraceptive pill- religion more widely talked about and believed in. Hegemonic laws- media leaders-white men controlling the media. ideologies are the beliefs and views of the producer or like anyone. Hegemony is the rules of society which are consented. Anchorage is the way in which the media has portrayed the beliefs of the producer. The dominant ideology is the ideology generally held by society. DAVID GAUNTLETT Theory of identity the pick and mix theory you choose what you want to see.
Target audience Social and cultural context of the magazine Codes and conventions of the sub-genre of magazine The target audience is working class women who would most likely be housewives who are raising the kids. The secondary audience is men as they might look at the magazine and bring it home so their wife or girlfriend will be like the cover model or will do the things in the articles.
verisimilitude means like the truth white colors connote innocence and purity no bold colours not much copy  font looks handwritten and like someone has taken care when writing it There is little copy on this cover and the limited copy that is on the cover is predominantly white and this connotes innocence and pure. this main image has been airbrushed to make the main character look more hegemonically beautiful by making her teeth really white. Contemporary women were made to stay at home and look after the kids and look pretty. There is a binary opposition of the silent woman and the talkative man. this woman is just another model but she isn't given a name so she isn't famous. liesbet van zoonen theory that women are put into media products to be looked at in a sexual way- male gaze theory. The secondary audience of men because they might want their wives to live upto the hegemonic beauty standards. the models hair is short and practical and the mis en scen

The exams and a start to the magazine industry

Component 1 vs component 2 Component 1 is the first exam Component 1 is the lucky dip exam and this means that there are 6 different industries that might come up and about 4 will actually come up, the exam has an unseen bit and this is the bit that has the most marks. We have no clue what is gonna come up. Component 2 is the second exam and we know exactly what will come up on the paper. language representation audience industries Kerrang: Bold colours Yellow is bright and eye catching Red is like assionate Black is mysterious All the colours on each cover are based around each cover model (s) Mid shot Buzzwords like "exclusive" white and black binary oppositions Barcode on every magazine the masthead looks smashed which connotes that they are a rebellious audience the costumes are very different and are sort of like a cartoon character would wear the skyline has another story to draw the audience in to read the other pictures on the cover mak

Key assessment 2

Plan 45 mins on q1 1 min each the rest ideologies include theorists such as van zoonen, seaton and curren,hall,barthes,bell hooks. Q1) Both the times and the daily mirror use images of women on the front pages and this is because the images reinforce a hegemonic view of our patriarchal society as theorised by liesbet van zoonen, however the front page of the daily mirror has two images that support this theory and the times cover only has one image to show this. The times front cover image of theresa may is very unflattering and this is because the newspaper is right wing but can be seen as being a polysemic newspaper meaning that they can have different views on politics in different releases of the paper which means that one story they could be siding with the prime minister and the next story they could go against what she is saying. The image is large and is the only space on the cover that does not contain any copy which suggests that theresa is surrounded by judgements an

Industry and audience

Industry and audience Media language Representation Audience Industry- how and why the product is made Audience is something you can infer and sort of make up where as the industry questions are based on cold hard facts. Production, how things are made. Distribution, how the product is given to the audience. The primary way films are distributed are thought cinemas and online streaming services like netflix. Digital distribution is becoming the norm and is becoming the only way people can find out about media products. We get our news through social media. We live in a digitally convergiant world. What is the difference between an institution and an industry. An institution has its own set of beliefs and they all have their own unique selling point. Vertical vs horizontal integration Vertical- Disney,Paramount. Horizontal- Disney bought marvel JAMES CURREN AND JEAN SEATON We need diversity in media or we won't get a full range of ideologies or we will all