
Showing posts from May, 2021

Exam question: Magazines

Explore how the set editions of woman and Adbusters appeal to their target audience . Define, argument. context. Point, evidence, explain. Woman target audience of working class women who tend to be housewives, they will range from teens to 40 but with a real focus on 30 something women. The set edition of women can be seen to appeal to their mainstream target audience of working class women through the use of buzzwords and lexis. The heading of the article which discusses men and "how to understand them", is appealing to the working class audience because they use simple lexis which the audience all understand  Plan:  woman- working class white women 30's mainstream Simple lexis, buzzwords Simple outline and paragraphing Images anchoring meaning and text Puns and wordplay  culture jamming "Blokes" Women reporters are relatable for women to read from References Prince Philip Culitvates hegemonic capitalist ideology IPC own woman magazine horizontally integrated
How is the television industry a specialised industry? Specialised means unique and the TV industry is specialised through digital convergence as they can avoid regulations due to genre and channel. The platforms that can produce TV shows are changing with Netflix and Disney plus being ever growing. How is the TV industry different from the film industry? TV is endless with the amount of accessible content as thee are millions of channels and loads of shows that get put on at certain times. Film industry doesn't always meet the mass appeal as the content. The way in which they are each funded as tv needs advertising money but film industry have larger budgets. How do television shows make money? How are  Humans  and  Les Revenants distributed  to their target audiences? Online streaming services like 4 Demand and AMC owns them so they can run a larger distribution chain to bring in a larger audience. Canalplus is the streaming service for France where le revenants is  streamed and

Exam Question practise: Magazines

 Compare and contrast the different ways that Woman and Adbusters position their audiences? Audience positioning is the mixture of mode of address and how they make the audience react to the  preferred reading. This can be about the interaction too. Woman has a passive audience because it's all about self improvement and what women can to in order to be better. Women magazine is a working class magazine as it is really cheap which makes it a mass audience product, it only costs 7D. Abusters has a middle class audience because with the price being so high at £11  Adbusters- SAVE THE PLANET KILL YOURSELF This part of Adbusters can be seen to have a challenging mode of address because this is directly harming the paying audience thus reinforcing the anti capitalism tone of the magazines ideology. This is a challenging mode of address because the article is taking an everyday mundane task that any reader can relate too and Turing it into something they can eb ashamed of doing, but wi

Magazine revision: Woman 1964

 Woman 1964 The advert of the concealer where she is running to go on a date with a man and she is getting pretty for him  Male Gaze- our society says that men are allowed to view women  Voyerism- taking pleasure in looking at someone knowing they can't see you  Women should wear make up to appeal to men Woman in the bath wearing make up whilst all sudsed up and this reinforces the hegemonic view that women who wear no make up are considered atypical Women plays by the stereotypical rule book because they want to sell magazines They have a dedicated audience There is nothing challenging about this magazine The Alfred Hitchcock interview reinforces hegemonic stereotypes that suggest how women can only be successful with a man involved, whether that means they marry them or scam them. Woman (1964)  Media language A highly conventional women’s lifestyle magazine, with a range of easily identifiable generic conventions Cover creates a direct mode of address, allowing audience opportun

Magazine Revision: Adbusters

ADBUSTERS In what ways does Adbusters construct it’s audiences? Adbusters' audience is a gay male audience and as the magazine is purely How does the website reinforce the brand identity of the magazine? Is there a clear ‘house style’ that is evident across the magazine and the website? What does the website offer that is different from the content of the magazine? How does the website extend the brand (e.g. through videos, merchandise etc.)? How does your magazine use social media (e.g. to market the latest edition or offer additional content)? How can readers interact with the magazine through the website and social media? What is the ideology/ethos of Adbusters? How does Adbusters subvert traditional magazine conventions, especially in relation to advertising? How does the magazine interact with its audience? Curran and Seaton didn't just explore power and profit in the media industries: they also explored how these systems of power can be utilised by producers to better ta

Exam question practise/ cover lesson

To what extent do representations of gender reflect the socio-economic context of the TV shows you have studied? make reference to Humans and Les Revenants. Humans Objectification of Anita because she is a product that is like a woman- women are objects Judith Butler- performativity of women (Anita) Modern slavery  Costume- plain feminine clothes on Anita Anita/Laura binary opposition East Asian cyborg Anita is represented as a sexual object who has had her autonomy stripped away from her The inclusion of cyborgs function as an allegory, and explores themes of racism, sexual slavery, migration, globalisation and a fear of technology A hyperreal representation of women, questioning the representation of women in media and the hegemonically dictated role they play in society Stereotypical, hyperreal representation of a ‘typical’ middle-class British family  An inclusive selection of a range of ages, genders and later, sexualities demonstrates an ability to appeal to multiple audiences

TV industry comparison

What media language is associated with humans and le revenants How does this create  meaning ?  1) Purpose of the visual aspects 2) polysemic things 3) Genre- Hybridity 4) Encoding decoding 5) Target audience- Niche smaller audience specific enigma coding 6) Key scenes of the product to the audience 7) Humans challenging ideology- hyperreality  DEFINE / ARGUE / CONTEXTUALISE  define media language and the use of technical code and why then argue about how they do this then say about the media product you need to look at, including when it was made and the genre. LES REVENANTS- The returned Enigma codes- suspenseful music, blue colour coding with the fog opening scene straight away there is a black screen with the name Camille Wide establishing shot of a dam Not British iconography slow pan up to alps to establish to French alps sombre tones with the piano music relayable iconography of a typical school trip coach protagonist unconventional scene setting because she instantly dies chao