
Showing posts from October, 2019

Audience manipulation 30.10.19

Audience: the people who use the media product. We can split the audiences by their: age gender race location sexuality These are called demographics and they help producers target their audience as those demographics like certain things stereotypically. For example 8-9 year old boys like bold colours and violence and then the producer can use these to make the product more appealing to the target audience. People have always been told that if you stare at a screen then you will get square eyes and if you only watch TV then you maybe dumber. Audiences may become violent or influenced to act like a certain character. Audiences are easily influenced,pleased, displeased and convinced. Albert Bandura He came up with the hypodermic needle theory. This is on a passive audience. This was the model that made media seem as if it was a substance that people were made to be injected with. George Gerbner He came up with the cultivation th

Mock exam practice and revision: MEDIA LANGUAGE

Q Block and my ideas of media language in this advert: Close up shot: oranges being stuffed down a top C/U of woman's bottom in stereotypically dilapidated trailer setting Binary oppositions between high key and low lighting Flickering film distortion creates an eccentric mise en scene - edgy! the men and women arent conventional like the outfits they are wearing or the music that is palying in the background as normal young adults dont listen to classical or orpra music. C/U shot of girl's monobrow - stereotypically not attractive - subverts hegemonic rules regarding female attractiveness C/U shot of another model's bottom which reinforces the sexual objectification key to this advert L/A shot of dancing model: emphasises his power and dominance C/U model's face: cataract in left eye. Another obvious 'flaw', and a binary oppostion between the non-functioning eye and the skill involved in editing Iconography and aesthetic: clothing is edgy, subversi

16.9.19 Feminist approaches to Media

Die another day- James Bond film. This sequence is assuming that the audience is heterosexual men that want to see an attractive woman. We are positioned as being a heterosexual man. The male gaze theory- assumption that every media text/product is aiming to appeal to heterosexual men. This scene shows james bond looking at halle berry's character coming out of the water in her small bikini.  Voyeurism is when someone is looking at someone else when they don't know. Analysis of posters involving women The women aren't wearing much, the poster on the right is wearing lingerie The women are represented as being weak as they are looking away from the camera as if they are weak and shouldn't look at the audience. But also they are shown to be weak as they are sitting or standing in positions that aren't comfortable,  they flatter the women in two cases. the red font contrasts the lesser dominance of the women as they are shown to not have any colour.

14.10.19 Narrative and Representation

What is narrative and why don't we just say plot? The narrative is who and how the story is being told where as the plot is what happens within the story. PLOT: The things that happen in the story. Start, end and all the stuff in the middle. STORY: Pretty much the same as plot but its the whole plot together. NARRATIVE: The way in which the story is told. Everything we see in the media product: music, hair and makeup, lighting and any mis en scene.  THE NARRATIVE IS THE ONLY ONE WE FOCUS ON IN MEDIA. Our only narrative theorist: TZVETAN TODOROV- Narratology. Equilibrium is a state of balance Establishment of equilibrium- E.G in jurassic park when at the beginning everything is fine and in that world that is normal but in the audience's world that is not normal. Disequilibrium- when everything changes and it all goes a bit wrong . New equilibrium- at the end when everything is different and new. Partial restoration of equilibrium- things get better and its all

11.9.19 Kiss of the vampire poster analysis

Kiss of the vampire analysis Representational issues in this advert there are no black actors and this is because Britain had a minority of black actors so they would have been represented on this poster. They also were seen as lesser actors as segregation had not come to end in america and was still in the minds of the British society. This poster represents women as being: Fashionable and very into their looks as both of the women shown are wearing classy clothes that accentuate their body. The woman on the left is wearing a shorter dress and this shows how women are there to be pleasing to men as they should always look pretty and wear provocative clothing. The woman on the left is in a loose position and she is being held by the man and this connotes how women are 'held up by men' and that they rely on men to be providers. The outfit of the man is red and red connotes how he is powerful which is a binary opposition to the woman's dress as they are wea

9.10.19 Genre

Genre is important for audiences and producers. Generic fluidity- the way in which genres change over time. Subgenres are more important as they the genres within genres. Hybrid genres are a mix of 2 or more genres. Genres are made of generic paradigms. Generic paradigms are genre conventions and they then are the things that make that genre what is it. Iconography are the things that make up a genre as well. Steve Neale    ( theories around genre) Why do genres exist? Because it helps society to categorise media Genre helps us understand our lives and how the world sees us. Its then easier for audiences to categorise what they are watching and what they like It helps producers to make films as every film has conventions and the producer can encode their own ideas. Steve neale did not invent genre but he did say that genre is a essentially repetition and difference.

9.10.19 Post-colonial ideas and wateraid

Colonization- is the process of forcing one set of beliefs on to a country. This is seen when Great Britain colonised australia. A fundamental aspect of a charity advert is to make the audience feel dissatisfied that they didn't help her as they will then want to help claudia feel better and would donate and let other families have water as well. The audience is positioned as being white middle class and they live in rainy britain. We (the audience) get a sense of responsibility from helping her and just watching the advert One criticism of binary oppositions is that they create groups that are like 'us vs them' and that the opposition Paul Gilroy- theorist who mainly studied about ethnicity and postcolonial theories. He wrote a book about how colonialism is dead. For gilroy we are now living in a postcolonial era , where black and white represent a blunt and ideologically manipulative binary opposition. UNTAPPED ADVERT ANALYSIS She is wearing tatty and dirty

7.10.19 Wateraid 2

Representation is a re-presentation of a group or person. Its the producer that is presenting them this way. POT NOODLE BANNED ADVERT Women are represented as just wives and they are the people who should cook for their husbands, this is shown through the use of a dull establishing shot that has colours that are darker and more of a middle class neatness. The window in the establishing shot has a green garden in the background. Kate is being represented as being fridged and she is not fulfilling his needs, be that sexual or just what he wants to eat. The term 'slag' connotes a scantily clad woman who likes to have sex and maybe even be payed for having sex with lonely men. The red lighting and bold colours suggest how the prostitute is bold and wants sex, the costume suggests she is outgoing and that she has multiple sexual partners. This advert is wildly misogynistic as it makes women who don't live as boring fridged middle class lives are slags and how those who

4.10.19 WaterAid

The WaterAid advert notes: we as an audience expect to be seeing women and children carrying large amounts of water for many miles from their home. We are expecting to see poor people with flies in their eyes. Analysis Camera movement Mise en scene: props Representations Representation of ‘Africa’ Representation of teenagers Word list Proairetic code Hermeneutic code Referential code/intertextuality    Dominant ideology Anchorage Conflict Representation Challenging Subverts Identity Analysis The establishing shot of the radio is unconventional and this is because no adverts start off with the first shot being just a radio in the window, this radio also creates a binary opposition between Africa and the British audiences as the radio connotes how in Britain we have varied technological advances and in the plains of Africa even though they don't, they are still happy and this goes against the stereotype tha

2.10.19 Representation and Identity

Stuart Hall- representation. Why do stereotypes exist? Stereotypes are the ways society views a certain group of people, they exist so it allows society to make sense of the world.  They allow people in the media to represent different people.  We can use them to hurt other people. They give us a sense of inclusivity. They can be funny. Richard Dyer - Writes about gay influencers and writers and he came up with loads of theories. He said that stereotypes exists because: To make directors lives easier To make the audience relate to at least one aspect of the character As an expression of a cultures dominant ideology. A stereotype is a self fulfilling prophecy as when someone tell you that you are a certain person then that is who you will become. THIS GIRL CAN: polysemy this advert uses varied shots to emphasise all the diversity sprots offers This advert uses 'everyday women' including make up and painted nails to show how sports are so inclusive