
Showing posts from November, 2019

Representation in the newspaper industry

CULTIVATION THEORY- media is like seeds that are planted in our head,the more seeds you plant then the more likely it is to persuade someone into thinking something. Bias through image selection- trump media products make a response from the audience. As an audience we mediate the text- so we come to some agreement. Representations are constructed through language. Point: who,where and what is being represented Evidence: how are they represented, through the use of... TECHNICAL DEVICES Message: what is being said about these people or the place and issue. Argument: why have they used this? what does it mean for the group? The daily mail online is the most read online newspaper in the world. The mail online is aimed at women aged 30-50 year old women. 'Scantily-clad women upstaged by their VERY messy bedrooms' Sexualism Voyeurism Child pornography maybe? but there is no way to really check. CLICKBAIT Provokes the audience into outrage. The mail online is a

Constructing representations

Ideologies get into media products through encoding these messages. the audience decodes these messages. Every newspaper has its own bias and thi can be for a varied amount of reasons , for example; This means they have a specific target audience as this will make them money. They also use there bias to manipulate audiences into believing a certain ideology. they want the whole country to think the same ideologies as then they can have a larger readership and it allows producers to construct and audience that will buy the newspapers. ALL MEDIA INDUSTRIES ARE MOTIVATED BY PROFIT AND POWER The vast majority of newspapers are left wing but the guardian and the daily mirror are right wing. BROADSHEET VS TABLOID more copy on the broadsheet more images on a tabloid broadsheets have a more formal  tabloids are more gossip-y broadsheets are aimed at middle class readers articles are longer with broadsheets  broadsheets have hard news and international stories tabloids hav

Daily mirror case study and intertextuality

RECAP Institutions- long road and hills Masthead Skyline the daily mail and the telegraph NEWSWORTHINESS Is the story worth printing about? Will audiences want to read about it? If it bleeds it leads- so if it is a situation where someone is hurt then it is more likely to be interesting for readers. We read newspapers and watch the news to escape from our lives. HARD NEWS-serious news, political news maybe. SOFT NEWS- more tabloid and it's news that doesn't apply to our everyday lives. INTERTEXTUALITY is when one media product references another product. INTERTEXTUALITY ALLOWS TWO MODES OF ADDRESS its allows audiences to relate to the media product. it makes audiences feel good about themselves. it makes money for the show. it will mean that the show or film will be watched more as the film or show they are referencing was clearly successful. it shows the ideologies of the producer as they can incorporate things from other films.

Print media vs Other medias Codes and conventions

What makes a newspaper a newspaper? A newspaper needs to have news in in or on the cover Newspapers have images and taglines but magazines have a cover and one or a few main images Newspapers have mass market appeal Newspapers have headlines Magazines have coverlines papers have columns of text and info Newspapers often are very satirical (they have loads of political humour) Newspapers have lower quality images and Tabloids tend to have short articles whereas broadsheets have longer articles Chunky text blocks on a newspaper clear and simple masthead Sentence starters A powerful binary opposition is formed through… The conflict created through this binary opposition positions the audience… This specific aspect of mise-en-scene functions as a hermeneutic code…  The proairetic code formed by the typeface suggests…  The target audience will of course be aware of the symbolic connotation of… The sun creates a powerful binary opposition through the


Newspaper key terminology Barcode  - Used to scan the newspaper when purchasing. It is an optical, machine-readable, representation of data and contains information such as price Body Text - Also known as copy. Written material that makes up the main part of an article Byline - The line above the story, which gives the author’s name and sometimes their job and location Caption - Brief text underneath an image describing the photograph or graphic Centre Spread - A photograph, often in full colour, that runs across the middle two pages Classified Ad - An advertisement that uses only text, as opposed to a display ad, which also incorporates graphics Edition - Some newspapers print several of these every night, these are versions with some changes and maybe additional late stories Folio - Top label for the whole page. Can relate to the area covered in the paper for example, National or a big news topic such as Social Media, Syria Gutter - The blank space between margins of facing pa

Newspapers- Daily Mirror and The Times

The views and values of the producer = ideologies. MASTHEAD- shows the name of the paper. DAILY MIRROR: bold  eye catching working class  red- labour party 'daily' sows its can be for everyone anyday Mirror suggests it represents britain as it reflects what happens lowercase serif font shows its simple and normal like the people who read the newspaper. patriotic colours TABLOID/ REDTOPS lower price THE TIMES: middle class older audience BROADSHEET formal higher price The daily mirror is a tabloid newspaper that has political ties with the labour party and this is seen through the use of the red and white in the masthead, the labour party association is also seen through the article at the bottom of the paper as the sentence says "we" showing the sense of labour party community. The paper tagline is "fighting for you" this give a sense of patriotism that link wi


The Daily mirror and the Times Daily express, the Guardian and their online presence. look at the websites and read print newspapers daily. producers put their ideologies into media products and the audience decode these. Different people will read products in different ways, some people will hate some products and some will love products. Producer                                                         We can use media in many different ways Encodes Text Decodes Audience MEDIA INSTITUTIONS institution: values and ideology of media production. John lewis or long road for example are institutions. Long road is trying to sell itself. It needs to have a USP. Long road is competing with so many other colleges so they need to be competitive. DIFFERENTIATION-needs to be different from other colleges COMPETITION-needs to beat other colleges to gain more students IDENTIFICATION-describing the college IDEOLOGY- clear messages of the college and what they want for the aud


regulations are rules that we have to follow these can be applied to people and films as well as any other industry. The UK has very strict regulations and they are made and given out by the BBFC. The BBFC has to rate a film before it can be released in UK cinemas where as in america films can be unrated they just label it NR for not rated. Why do we need films to be rated and to have age restrictions? What might be some drawbacks or loopholes to these restrictions? uc u pg 12 15 18 r18 e CONTEXT IS ESSENTIAL TO RATINGS AND TO THE BBFC THE REGULATION OF THE FILM INDUSTRY IS COMPLETELY INEFFECTIVE

Film marketing and last lesson recap

Major and indie films are the 2 kinds of film production types. Indie films are produced independently and not by a film conglomerate. Major films are made by large conglomerate company that will have many other films. How does black panther appeal to a mass and niche audience? Black panther appeals to a mass audience as there is a varied amount of locations used in the film so different audiences around the world can identify with a particular location Black panther appeals to a niche audience of young african americans as the soundtrack contains modern hits and rap anthems which can appeal to the audience. A mass audience of african americans would be interested in watching this film as they can identify with the characters and the community. The exciting and exotic setting can appeal to the mass audience as they can let people from those countries identify with the scenery. There are loads of famous people in this film like, angela bassett, martin freeman and andy ser


Black Panther notes and research. Film in my opinion is a form of art as it puts the producers thoughts and creative ideas into a product just as much as a painting. The purpose of Black Panther and general films is to make money. Key theorist- CURRAN AND SEATON (power and media industries) The media is owned by a few large companies like Disney. RESEARCH any remakes or pre makes actors? diectors? what else did the actors do? advertising budget digital sales of black panther Rating: PG-13 (for prolonged sequences of action violence, and a brief rude gesture) Genre: Action & Adventure ,  Drama ,  Science Fiction & Fantasy Directed By: Ryan Coogler Written By: Joe Robert Cole ,  Ryan Coogler In Theaters: Feb 16, 2018    Wide On Disc/Streaming: May 15, 2018 Box Office: $501,105,037 Runtime: 135 minutes Studio: Marvel Studios Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa/Black Panther and Michael B. Jor

4.11.19 Film industry

REVISION GUIDE The purpose of any product or text is to make money. The film industry is a specialised institution. originated in the late 1800's and they were not popular at first. They were black and white and had no sound at first. PRIMITIVE FILM: films before hollywood films  films were first made in hollywood as the lighting was much better than anywhere else. INDUSTRIALISATION: The process of making something in a factory. The earlier directors and editors of films were women. Films were made in factories. Studio systems- warner brothers,universal. Production-when the film is made. Distribution- When the film is released. Conglomaration- Black panther: Made by Marvel Studios. Distributed by Walt Disney studios motion pictures. 2009 Walt Disney bought Marvel for 4 million dollars. Disney bought Marvel -To make more millions than it spent. -To crush the competition. -They have similar audiences. -They have more advertising